MCSE.GEN.TR – Citrix Provisioning Services (PVS) 7.1 Bölüm 1 – Kurulum ve  Yapılandırma

Working on a project for a customer, I was asked to change the drive letter for Citrix PVS write cache from default D:\ to W:\.

After some researches, I found the following Citrix article:

The instructions are well detailed and work fine, however as the target for this customer is 1,200 PVS VDAs, we need to find another way to make this happen.

The solution was to create a PowerShell script that is declared in a Computer Policy as startup script.

Here is the script:

	Change Write Cache Location for PVS VDAs.
	The script will need to be configured in a Policy under Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Scripts > Startup
	Before implementation, you will need to do the following on your Master Image
	1. Connect to PVS Master Image
	2. Open CMD as Administrator
	3. Run Diskpart
	4. List disk
	5. Select disk that will contain WriteCache
	6. Run uniqueid disk and retrieve the value
	You will need a Temp folder on the C:\ Drive.
	Change Target Drive Letter on line 31
	Change Disk value on line 35
	Change UniqueID Disk ID on line 36
	The script will first test if Target drive exist, if not it will run and change uniqueid disk for write cache
	to make it Target
	NAME: WriteCache.ps1
	VERSION: 1.00
	AUTHOR: Arnaud Pain
	LASTEDIT: February 15, 2022

If (-not (Test-Path -Path "TBD")) {
    # Test if Target drive exist.
    If (-not (Test-Path "C:\Temp\diskpart")) { New-Item -Path "C:\Temp\diskpart" -ItemType Directory }
    # Define Diskpart Values and create file.
    $DiskpartScript = "SELECT DISK TDB
    Set-Content -Path "C:\Temp\diskpart\Partition.txt" -Value $DiskpartScript
    # Run Diskpart with argument.
    Start-Process -FilePath "diskpart.exe" -ArgumentList "/s C:\Temp\diskpart\Partition.txt" -Wait
    # Remove Temp location from VDA.
    Remove-Item -Path "C:\Temp\diskpart" -Force -Recurse
    # Reboot the VDA
    shutdown /r /t 0

Feel free to test and share it!