Following my previous Post regarding Bug with Rolling Patch 3, I made some more test and here after the solution:

If new node is powered up with the other (with RP3) down, it works
When the new node is UP, if I start the 2 other (with RP3) they did not come up and loop on Starting main app…

So the way to add a new Node (without RP3) is the following:

  • Shutdown all the running Nodes
  • Import the Template file
  • Boot the new XMS
  • Configure the base settings and reboot the XMS
  • Connect to Web Admin Portal (https://IP:4443)
  • Install the RP3 (in Settings / Release Management)
  • Reboot the XMS from the CLI
  • Verify that the patch as been applied correctly in the Web Admin Portal under Settings / Release Management
  • Boot the powered down Nodes


It’s strange as I remember before RP3 it was possible to add a new Node without the need to power down the other Nodes.


Don’t forget to ad the new node in your NetScaler configuration

Info: you can’t have Node with different RP version Up at the same time!


Note: Those information are provided based on my own experience.