Today is the day of the announcement of the 2021 CTP Class.

I would like first to make a point of 2020. It was an amazing year for me, meet most of the CTPs during Citrix Synergy in Atlanta.

We tried with my fellow co-leaders (@joharder and @jensheerin) to make Tampa CUGC better than ever with 1 session that took place at Microsoft Office in Tampa with a 3 hours Lab for each attendees around Citrix Cloud and Microsoft Azure.

My blog had more visit than ever with 52% over year.

I traveled a lot in Europe to work for Citrix Consulting Services.

It has been a real chance to be awarded last year and I am proud to still be a CTP this year.

6 new members will join the program this year, really great addition, I am excited for our CTP meeting in May.

The list can be found here

For 2020, a lot of good things are coming.

The most important is the company growing, so if you are around Tampa Bay and want to join a fast growing company working around virtualization and cloud, just reach me!

Stay tuned …