Citrix has released on Thursday December 14 a new version of MDX Toolkit.

Note: Not to be used for wrapping Citrix Enterprise Secure Apps, i.e. Secure Mail and Web.



The MDX Toolkit 10.7.10 is the final release that supports the wrapping of XenMobile Apps. Users access XenMobile Apps versions 10.7.5 and later from the public app stores. For table listing the XenMobile Apps enterprise versions that you can wrap with the MDX Toolkit 10.7.10, see the Enterprise delivery of XenMobile Apps section in XenMobile Apps administration and delivery.

Before upgrading to Android O (version 8), users must upgrade Secure Hub and all XenMobile Apps to version 10.6.20. Otherwise, users might not be able to sign on to Secure Hub or open XenMobile Apps. For more information about XenMobile Apps and Android 8, see What’s new in XenMobile Apps, the XenMobile Apps Known issues, and XenMobile supported device operating systems.

Before upgrading to iOS 11, users must upgrade Secure Hub and XenMobile Apps to version 10.7. That upgrade sequence is required because Secure Hub no longer supports SHA-1 certificates on devices running iOS 11. For more information about anticipating this change, see the Knowledge Center article on XenMobile iOS 11 and Android O Support.

The MDX Toolkit  version 10.7.20 is a release available on and XenMobile MDX Service for enterprise wrapping.

What’s new in the MDX Toolkit 10.7.20

Control Net Promoter Score survey. A new policy for ShareFile apps, Allow NPS ShareFile, allows you to occasionally display a Net Promoter Score survey to users for feedback. The default value is Off.

Do not tunnel endpoints policy

Some service endpoints that XenMobile SDKs and apps use for various features need to be excluded from micro VPN tunneling. MDX does this by default, but it is possible to override this list by setting a client property on the XenMobile Server. For details about configuring client properties in the XenMobile console, see Client properties. For details about overriding the service endpoint list, see TUNNEL_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS. The default list of domains that are excluded from tunneling by default are as follows.


New policies to control opening URLs in the native browser. The SecureWebDomains policy controls which domains are sent to the Secure Web browser instead of the native browser. A list of comma-separated URL host domains are matched against the hostname portion of any URL the application would normally send to an external handler. Typically, administrators configure this policy as a list of internal domains for Secure Web to handle.

This feature is available for iOS only. A known issue exists for the policy on Android devices. For details, see the Known issues.

The ExcludeUrlFilterForDomains policy is a comma-separated list of website domains excluded from URL filtering. URLs including any domain in the list get sent to the user’s native browser instead of Secure Web. If the policy is empty, then all URLs are passed through the URL filters. This policy takes priority over the SecureWebDomains policy. The default policy value is empty.

MDX support for crash reporting to the Citrix Insight Service (CIS). If Citrix Reporting policies are On and a crash happens, MDX creates a report bundle with any logs and crash reports available and uploads it to CIS. It then deletes the support bundle and notifies the related XenMobile App of the crash so that it creates a support bundle as well.

Can be downloaded here