
A XenApp and XenDesktop license specifies 3 things: Product, Edition, and Model. Previously, each XenApp and XenDesktop site could only consume one type of license product and model at a time.

Since 7.14 release of XenApp and XenDesktop support for multiple license products and models within a single XenApp/XenDesktop site is included. The license product and models are aligned with a particular delivery group, so for example, one delivery group can use XenDesktop user/device licensing while another can be configured for XenApp concurrent licensing. This article will walk through the steps to configure different license products and models per delivery group. This article applies to of 7.15 LTSR releases of XenApp and XenDesktop and Current Release.

User-added image

Two new parameters for the BrokerDesktopGroup PowerShell cmdlet have been added to set the license model and edition:

Name Value
LicenseModel Concurrent or UserDevice
ProductCode XDT = XenDesktop
MPS = XenApp


  1. Open PowerShell with Administrative rights and add the Citrix snapin.
Add Citrix Snapin
  1. Run the command Get-BrokerDesktopGroup –Name “DeliveryGroupName” to view the current license configuration. Find the parameters LicenseModel and ProductCode. If these parameters were not previously configured, they will be blank.

Note: If a delivery group does not have license information set, then the Site level Site license will be applied.

  1. To change the license model, run the command Set-BrokerDesktopGroup –Name “DeliveryGroupName” –LicenseModel LicenseModel.
Change License Model
  1. To change the license product, run the command Set-BrokerDesktopGroup –Name “DeliveryGroupName” –ProductCode ProductCode.
Change Product Code
  1. Run the command Get-BrokerDesktopGroup –Name “DeliveryGroupName” to validate the changes.
Validate Get-BrokerDesktopGroup

Note: You cannot mix and match editions, for example, Platinum and Enterprise licenses.

  1. To remove the license configuration, run the same Set-BrokerDesktopGroup commands as above but set the value to $null.
Remove license configurations

Note: Studio will not display the license configuration for each delivery group; you must use PowerShell to view the current configuration.