
The following guide will help you to capture the log based on the issues you face.

It elaborates different scenarios which further helps what logs to capture based upon the issue.


XenMobile Servers Android, iOS and Windows Devices MDXToolkit

ScenarioCommon events we observe while troubleshooting the issues

Enrollment Related

I. iOS Enrollment
XMS Loggers required in Trace:

Operation iOS/Mac OS Deployment
Operation iOS/Mac OS Enrolment

All Secure Hub logs are required at Level 15 Debug 10
MDM Related

1. All devices Unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
Network Traces(only if
found to be a LB issue)
– SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs

2. Specific Device unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None – SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs

3. Authentication Failure

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None – SecureHub logs

4. Profile Installation Failed

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs
MAM Related
1. All devices Unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– NetScaler Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs

2. Specific Device unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– NetScaler Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs

3. Authentication Failure

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle aaad.debug log – SecureHub logs

4. Profile Installation Failed

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs

1. All devices Unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
-SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs

2. Specific Device unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs

3. Authentication Failure

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle aaad.debug log – SecureHub logs

4. Profile Installation Failed

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None – SecureHub logs
– Xcode logs

5. Authentication Successful – Unable to complete Enrolment

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
-Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– Device packet capture
– Xcode logs
II. Android Enrollment
XMS Loggers required in Trace :

Operation Android Deployment
Operation Android Enrolment

All Secure Hub logs are required at Level 15 Debug 10

MDM Related

1. All devices Unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
Network Traces (only if
found to be a LB issue)
– Secure Hub logs
– ADB logs

2. Specific Device unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None – Secure Hub logs
– ADB logs

3. Authentication Failure

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None – Secure Hub logs
MAM Related

1. All devices Unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
-SecureHub logs
– ADB logs

2. Specific Device unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– ADB logs

3. Authentication Failure

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle aaad.debug log – SecureHub logs

4. Authentication Successful – Unable to complete Enrolment

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
-Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– ADB logs

1. All devices Unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
-SecureHub logs
– ADB logs

2. Specific Device unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
– Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– ADB logs

3. Authentication Failure

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle aaad.debug log – SecureHub logs

4. Authentication Successful – Unable to complete Enrolment

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
-Network Traces
– Support Bundle
– SecureHub logs
– ADB logs
III. Windows Enrollment

MDM Related

1. All devices Unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
Network Traces(only if
found to be a LB issue
Field Medic logs

2. Specific Device unable to reach server

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None Field Medic logs

3. Authentication Failure

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Field Medic logs

4. Authentication Successful – Unable to complete Enrolment

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Network Traces
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
-Network Traces
– Support Bundle
Field Medic logs

All SecureHub logs are required at Level 15 Debug 10

I. iOS

1. No Policies are Deployed to all devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode logs

2. No Policies are Deployed to Specific devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode logs

3. Specific Policies are not Deployed to deploy on all devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode logs

4. Specific devices does not get specific Policy deployed

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode logs

5. Incorrect Deployment status

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode logs
II. Android

1. No Policies are Deployed to all devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
ADB logs

2. No Policies are Deployed to Specific devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
ADB logs

3. Specific Policies are not Deployed to deploy on all devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
ADB logs

4. Specific devices does not get specific Policy deployed

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
ADB logs

5. Incorrect Deployment status

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
ADB logs
III. Windows

1. No Policies are Deployed to all devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Field Medic logs

2. No Policies are Deployed to Specific devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Field Medic logs

3. Specific Policies are not Deployed to deploy on all devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Field Medic logs

4. Specific devices does not get specific Policy deployed

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Field Medic logs

5. Incorrect Deployment status

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
– Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Field Medic logs
Application Related

This is applicable for both iOS and Android

I. Citrix and Store Apps

1. Unable to Import/Add Apps

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Network Traces
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None None

2. Unable to download any Store Apps in Device

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Network Traces
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None SecureHub logs
Device packet capture
Xcode / ADB logs

3. Installation of Apps Fails on All Devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs

4. Installation of Apps fail on Specific devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs

5. Update prompt Loop

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs

6. App crash after install

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs
Crash logs from iOS
II. Enterprise and Enterprise MDX Apps

1. Unable to Import/Add Apps

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Network Traces
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None None

2. Unable to download Apps in Device

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Network Traces
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None SecureHub logs
Device packet capture
Xcode / ADB logs

3. Installation of Apps Fails on All Devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs

4. Installation of Apps fail on Specific devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs

5. Update prompt Loop

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs

6. App crash after install

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs
Xcode / ADB logs

7. App launch fails after install

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + App Logs
Xcode / ADB logs

8. Unable to communicate with other MDX Apps

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + App Logs
Xcode / ADB logs
Crash logs from iOS devices

9. Unable to Communicate with Internal Servers(Intranet)

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None Network Trace SecureHub logs + App Logs
Xcode / ADB logs
Crash logs from iOS devices

10. App hangs after installation

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + App Logs
Xcode / ADB logs
ANR Logs for Android
Crash logs from iOS devices

11. Apps behaves differently after wrapping

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + App Logs
Xcode / ADB logs

12. Authentication Loop

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
XMS support
Traces SecureHub logs + App Logs
Xcode / ADB logs
III. MDX and Secure Apps

Secure Mail

1. Unable to configure Mail account

Server Side Netscaler AS server Device Side
XMS support bundle Traces IIS logs / Traveler logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs

2. Devices Unable to sync Emails

Server Side Netscaler AS server Device Side
XMS support bundle Traces IIS logs / Traveler logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs

3. Issues Mail Notifications and badge count

Server Side Netscaler AS server Device Side
XMS support bundle Traces IIS logs / Traveler logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs

4. Issues with SMIME

Server Side Netscaler AS server CA Server Device Side
None Traces IIS logs
EWS logs
IIS logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs

5. For any deviation from Expected behavior.

Server Side Netscaler AS server Device Side
XMS support bundle Traces IIS logs / Traveler logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs
Some of the known issue classification
• Specific folders do not sync
• Unable to send emails
• Keeps re-downloading the same emails over and over
• Authentication Loop
• Unable to open Attachments // Pics // Links
• Calendar sync issues
• Invitation issuesSecure Web

1. Unable to Access Intranet sites

Server Side Netscaler WebServer Device Side
None Traces IIS/Backend server logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs
Network Traces (iOS)

2. Unable to Access Internet sites

Server Side Netscaler WebServer Device Side
None Traces IIS/Backend server logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs
Network Traces (iOS)

3. Issues when Proxy is configured

Server Side Netscaler WebServer Proxy server Device Side
None Traces IIS/Backend server logs Logs and Traces SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs
Network Traces (iOS)

4. For any deviation from Expected behavior.

Server Side Netscaler WebServer Device Side
None Traces IIS/Backend server logs SecureHub logs + Secure Mail
Xcode / ADB logs
Network Traces (iOS)

Some of the known issue classification
• Unable to open Web links in new tab
• Unable to open Web pages using web clips
• Specific modules in webpages do not launch
• Authentication prompts
• Issues with password caching
• Rendering issues
• Encryption Errors
• Web page popups
• Issues with Redirects
• Firewall rules related issues


1. Unable to Open Documents in Quick Edit

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + Quick Edit + Any secure App involved
Xcode / ADB logs

2. Unable to share document to another secure app

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + Quick Edit + Any secure App involved
Xcode / ADB logs

3. For any deviation from Expected behavior

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + Quick Edit + Any secure App involved
Xcode / ADB logs

Some of the known issue classification
• Unable to save documents locally
• Unable to access share file
• Unable to Render documents as required
• Changes not saved post editing


1. Unable to Configure Sharefile

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
None None SecureHub logs + Sharefile App
Xcode / ADB logs

2. Authentication issues

Server Side Netscaler Sharefile Device Side
XMS Support
Trace Storage zone controller logs SecureHub logs + Sharefile App
Xcode / ADB logs

3. For any deviation from Expected behavior.

Server Side Netscaler Sharefile Device Side
XMS Support
Trace Storage zone controller logs SecureHub logs + Sharefile App
Xcode / ADB logs

Some of the known issue classification
• Unable to save documents locally
• Unable to see/load data
• Unable to generate links
• Duplicate docs created in repository
• Documents unusable after sharing through Sharefile.

Other MDM Functionalities


1. Unable to Add VPP Token

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Network Traces
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None None

2. Unable to sync apps to XMS after adding token

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Network Traces
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
None None

3. Unable to install VPP apps

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Network Traces
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
Network Traces XCode Logs

4. Unable to associate/disassociate VPP license

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

5. VPP license count incorrect

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None


1. Unable to ADD DEP Account in XMS

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

2. DEP devices do not sync to XMS

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

3. DEP – XMS Sync fails

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

4. Unable to Enroll dep devices

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Xcode logs

5. Unable to push Secure Hub

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Xcode logs

6. Policy not applied

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Secure Hub logs
Xcode logs

7. DEP Device enrolment revoked

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Secure Hub logs
Xcode logs

8. DEP Delivery group related issues

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Secure Hub logs
Xcode logs

III. Android for Work

1. Unable to configure Android for Work in XMS

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

2. Unable to Enroll to AFW

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

3. Authentication issues

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

4. Issues with WorkProfile

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

5. Unable to push AFW policies

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

6. Apps not deployed/installed

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

IV. Samsung KNOX
1. Unable to Enable Samsung Knox

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

2. Connection fails to Samsung Web services

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

3. Unable to install Knox container

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

4. Unable to configure Knox container

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

5. Unable to deploy Knox policies

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub

6. Unable to deploy Apps in Knox Container

Server Side NetScaler Device Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None ADB logs
Secure Hub


1. Unable to Configure LDAP settings

Server Side NetScaler LDAP server
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

2. Unable to Authenticate users

Server Side NetScaler LDAP server
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle AAAdebug logs Event Viewer

3. Unable to fetch group information

Server Side NetScaler LDAP server
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

4. Nested Group related issues

Server Side NetScaler LDAP server
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None None

1. Configuration Issues

Server Side NetScaler CA
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None IIS logs

2. Issues when Proxy Configured

Server Side Netscaler Proxy Server CA
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None Logs / Traces IIS logs

3. Certificate issuance issues

Server Side NetScaler CA
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle None IIS logs
1. Memory related

Server Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
Heap dump
SQL Profiler

2. CPU related

Server Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
Thread dump
SQL Profiler

3. GUI / Deadlock Related

Server Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
SQL Profiler
1. Unable to Enable cluster

Server Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle

2. Node related issues

Server Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle

3. Data Integrity issues

Server Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle

4. Cluster failure issues

Server Side
Generate Full XMS Support Bundle
Log Collection

I. XenMobile Server

Server Side Logging information

Support Bundle Collection methods :
1. From CLI
2. From GUI

1. Login into the CLI using SSH session or use Hypervisor’s console from Virtual platform.
2. From Main menu, Choose 3 for Troubleshooting
3. Choose 3 for Support Bundle
4. Choose 1 to Generate Support Bundle
5. Type ‘Y’ to overwrite Existing Support bundle. Once generated successfully, You can
upload the Support bundle.
Also refer to

1. Login to Web Console
2. Click on the Wrench icon
3. Click on Create Support Bundle.
4. Choose the Nodes
5. Choose what level of logging is required –
All Data
No Data
Or custom data based on requirement.

Enabling Network trace
1. Login into the CLI using SSH session or use Hypervisor’s console from Virtual platform.
2. From Main menu, Choose 3 for Troubleshooting
3. Type 1 For Network Utilities
4. Type 7 for Network Traces

Overwrite existing network trace files? [y/n] y
Enter an optional host name for filtering:(Hit Enter)
tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
Press enter to stop network Trace:
<Reproduce the issue>
Hit Enter to stop network Trace

5. Generate the Support Bundle from GUI selecting All Data option (means bundle will contain data collected from database)

All Known Loggers, refer below
NOTE : Items which has Level set already are Default Loggers available in GUI. Others are to
be added as Custom Logger
II. Device Specific

a. iOS

Logs and data that can be collected from iOS device are

1. SecureHub Logs
2. Xcode logs
3. Device Network Traces
4. Crash Dump

Secure Hub Logs :

To collect SecureHub logs,
• Open Secure Hub
• Tap on Menu / ?
• Tap on Help
• Report issue
• Tap “Citrix Secure Hub”
• Tap “Advanced log settings”
• Select the desired log level, for most issues – please choose Level 15 Debug 10
• Select Log Destination to be file.
• Note : If you need Secure Hub logs to be printed in Xcode, choose Console.
• Enter “Type of issue” and “Describe the issue”
• And send

To Collect Xcode logs
In order to collect logs using xCode package, follow these steps:
• Install XCode
• Connect your iPhone to the Mac
• Select Trust this computer on the iPhone pop-up request
• Start xCode and go to the menu bar: Window → Devices. Select your iPhone and
press the up arrow button in the bottom right.
• Reproduce the problem.
• Press the down arrow button and download the logs.

To Collect Device Network Traces
• Connect your iOS device to your Mac via USB.
• Set up an RVI for that device.
• (This creates a virtual network interface on your Mac that represents the iOS
device’s networking stack)
• Run your macOS packet trace program, and point it at the RVI created in the
previous step.
• To set up an RVI, you should run the rvictl tool as shown below.

$ # First get the current list of interfaces.
$ ifconfig -l
lo0 gif0 stf0 en0 en1 p2p0 fw0 ppp0 utun0
$ # Then run the tool with the UDID of the device.
$ rvictl -s 74bd53c647548234ddcef0ee3abee616005051ed
Starting device 74bd53c647548234ddcef0ee3abee616005051ed
$ # Get the list of interfaces again, and you can see the new virtual
$ # network interface, rvi0, added by the previous command.
$ ifconfig -l
lo0 gif0 stf0 en0 en1 p2p0 fw0 ppp0 utun0 rvi0

* Now that you know the name of the RVI, you can point your packet trace tool at it.
For example, here’s how you might run tcpdump to take a packet trace from the RVI
and write it to the file trace.pcap.

$ sudo tcpdump -i rvi0 -w trace.pcap
tcpdump: WARNING: rvi0: That device doesn’t support promiscuous
(BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket)
tcpdump: WARNING: rvi0: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol
listening on rvi0, link-type RAW (Raw IP), capture size 65535 bytes

Important: The RVI represents the entire networking stack of the iOS device; you cannot
target a specific interface on the device as you would on the Mac (using the -i option
to tcpdump). However, information about the interface is recorded in the packet
metadata. You can use tcpdumpto display (via the -k option) and filter on (via the –
Q option) this metadata. See the tcpdump online manual for details.

To Collect Crash Dump
1. Launch Xcode
2. Open the Xcode Organizer window. (Window menu -> Organizer, or Cmd-Shift-2.)
3. Find your device in the left sidebar, then select “device logs”.
4. Choose the app and crash report and select “Export” at the bottom of the Organizer
window. This will copy the crash reports to your hard drive.

b. Android
Following logs can be collected from Android devices.
• Secure Hub logs
• ADB logs
• ANR Logs

To collect SecureHub logs,
• Open Secure Hub
• Tap on Menu / ?
• Tap on Help
• Report issue
• Tap “Citrix Secure Hub”
• Tap “Advanced log settings”
• Select the desired log level, for most issues – please choose Level 15 Debug 10
• Select Log Destination to be file.
• Note : If you need Secure Hub logs to be printed in ADB, choose Console.
• Tap back
• Tap Reproduce issue
• Enter “Type of issue” and “Describe the issue”
• And send

To Collect ADB logs
1. Install Android SDK from Make sure
platform-tools is included (
2. Install usb driver for the phone
3. Enable USB Debugging on your device. Go to settings, applications, development and
tick “USB Debugging”.
4. Connect usb cable to the phone
5. Go to the Android SDK directory (for example C:\Program Files\Android\androidsdk\
6. Type adb shell
7. Type logcat (ref:

Example command to collect ADB logs
adb logcat -v “threadtime” > <filename>

ANR Logs
1. From Platform-tools folder where ADB is installed
2. adb pull /data/anr/traces.txt

c. Windows
Generating Field Medic Logs:
1. Run the Field Medic app
2. Tap Advanced.
3. Select the categories that you want to include in the report.(Choose Enterprise)
4. Press the Back button to return to the main Field Medic screen.
5. Tap Start Logging
6. After you start logging, Field Medic displays the elapsed capture time under the Stop
Logging option. Close Field Medic by pressing the Back or Start button. Reproduce
the problem that you want to collect information about.

ETW logging for the selected categories remains enabled, even after the device reboots,
until you stop logging.
You can extract the log from the Window device by connecting it to computer with a USB
Go to Windows Phone -> Download Folder -> Field Medic and copy the log file.

View log files in a Field Medic report
To extract a Field Medic report, connect the device to a computer with a USB cable. Copy
the Field Medic report from your device (either the root of the device or the root of the SD
card) to your PC. Each folder in this directory represents a different report and contains
several ETW log files.
1. On your computer, locate ETWDump in the Windows Driver Kit.
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
2. Locate the ETW manifest files in the Windows Driver Kit.
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Manifests
3. The mainifest (.mc) files contain formatting information that ETWDump uses to
decode the log (.etl) files.
Open a Command Prompt window, and make sure the path to ETWDump.exe is on
your Path environment variable.

Here’s an example of using EtwDump to decode the FieldMedic-Contacts-Calendar.etl log
etwdump FieldMedic-Contacts-Calendar.etl -import “C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\10\Manifests” -o FmCC.csv –of CSV
ETWDump is one of several tools you can use to decode ETW log files.
Here are some other tools you can use to decode ETW log files:

Additional Logging:
Capture event trace logs on Windows 10 Mobile
Crash Dump Logs windows 10
• Enable your device for development
• Crash dumps – In phone’s storage Documents\Debug folder.

III. Active Directory
Authentication Related log collection:
1. Windows Authentication
• Capture the Logon Events under Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Security on Windows
Active Directory Server which we have Specified on the XenMobile Server.
• For, additional authentication logging Enable Audit Logon Event under Group Policy, refer
the article

2. Kerberos Authentication
• Capture the Kerberos-related events under Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> System
• Enable Kerberos logging on the Active Directory Server

o How to enable Kerberos logging
1. Start Registry Editor.
Add the following registry value:
Registry Value: LogLevel
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0x1
2. If the Parameters subkey does not exist, create it.
Note: Remove this registry value when it is no longer needed so that performance is not
degraded on the computer. Also, you can remove this registry value to disable Kerberos
event logging on a specific computer.
3. Quit Registry Editor
4. Restart the Server for the changes to take effect

IV. Certificate Authority
1. Capture IIS logs
a. How to capture IIS log
• Go to %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\
• Select the u_ex111111 file which relates to the time when the issue occurred
b. To enable advanced logging
• Start -> Run -> inetmgr(IIS Manager) -> Default Sites -> Certsrv -> Failed Request
Tracking Rules -> Add
• Select All Content
• Define status Codes like 401, 403, 500
• Select WWWServer
• Click Finish
• Collect logs from %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\

2. Capture CAPI2 logging
a. How to enable CAPI2 logging
• Start Event Viewer on the Certificate Authority Server
• Under Event Viewer -> Application and Service log -> Microsoft -> Windows ->
CAPI2 -> Operational
• Right click on Operational and select Enable log

V. Exchange ActiveSync
a. Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Logging
1. Capture IIS logs
a. How to capture IIS log
• Go to %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\
• Select the u_ex111111 file which relates to the time when the issue occurred
b. To enable advanced logging
• Start -> Run -> inetmgr(IIS Manager) -> Default Sites -> Microsoft-Server-
ActiveSync -> Failed Request Tracking Rules -> Add
• Select All Content
• Define status Codes like 401, 403, 500
• Select WWWServer
• Click Finish
• Collect logs from %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\

2. For APNS related issue enable EWS logging on Exchange 2010 and below
a. How to enable EWS logging
• Start -> Run -> inetmgr(IIS Manager) -> Default Sites -> EWS -> Logging ->
• Collect logs from %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\

3. For APNS related issue enable EWS logging on Exchange 2013 and above
The new default log location is as follows:
Which if the default installation on the system drive looks like this:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging\Ews
• Refer the link below

b. Lotus Domino ActiveSync Logging
1. Capture the logs from the from the location below:
/<domino data>/traveller/logs/
2. Following Logs needs to be reviewed
• Activity
• Error
• Usage
• SyncML

VI. XenMobile Mail Manager
• XMM log file exists under the location %programfiles%\Citrix\XenMobile Mail
o Copy all the logs from the log file location
• The XenMobile Mail Manager (XMM) provides 4 different logging levels (Error, Info, Warn
and Debug).
• This setting can be configured manually by performing the following steps:
o On the XMM Server, open the file named “nlog.config” located at:
C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenMobile Mail Manager
o Scroll down to the section named “<rules>” and change the parameter “minlevel”
according to the logging level required:
<rules >
<logger name=”*” writeTo=”file” minlevel=”Debug” />
o Save the file
o Restart the service (Citrix XenMobile Mail Manager)

VII. XenMobile NetScaler Connector
• XNC log file exists under the location %programfiles%\Citrix\XenMobile NetScaler
• Capture Trace on Netscaler

VIII. Database
To run SQL Profiler
1. Open MSSQL Management Studio.
2. Click on Tools -> Choose SQL Server Profiler
3. Login again
4. Choose a Template(Like Tuning)
5. Click on Event Selection
6. Make sure to filter based on DatabaseName column(If there are multiple Databases on
this server)
7. Click on Run
8. Reproduce the issue
9. Click on Stop Button
10. Save file as and save the trace.

Number of connections to the Database DB_Service
SELECT DB_NAME(dbid) AS DB_Service,
COUNT(dbid) AS NumberOfConnections,
FROM sys.sysprocesses
GROUP BY dbid, loginame

To Check for Deadlocks
SELECT DB_Service,
OBJECT_NAME(p.OBJECT_ID) BlockedObjectName,
h1.TEXT AS RequestingText,
h2.TEXT AS BlockingTest,
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks AS tl
INNER JOIN sys.databases db ON db.database_id = tl.resource_database_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS wt ON tl.lock_owner_address = wt.resource_address
INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p ON p.hobt_id = tl.resource_associated_entity_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec1 ON ec1.session_id = tl.request_session_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec2 ON ec2.session_id = wt.blocking_session_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec1.most_recent_sql_handle) AS h1
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec2.most_recent_sql_handle) AS h2

IX. NetScaler
Collecting Diagnostic Bundle from Netscaler

Collecting Netscaler traces

• Other way to collect Netscaler Bundle is from XMS
• Login to Admin Console
• Click on Wrench Icon
• Create Support Bundles
• Enable “Support Bundle for NetScaler Gateway”
• Add Netscaler Management IP, Username and Password.
• Select Netscaler for which you want the Support Bundle created and click on Create
• This will be added in the XMS Support Bundle.

To Check policy hits
nsconmsg –d current –g pol_hits

To check Authentication
Live logs
Login to NetScaler CLI
> shell
root@nsgw# tail -F /tmp/aaad.debug
Additionally you could use grep to find specific user related details.
root@nsgw# tail -F /tmp/aaad.debug | grep -i “username”

Earlier logs
root@nsgw# cat /tmp/aaad.debug
Additionally you could use grep to find specific user related details.
root@nsgw# cat /tmp/aaad.debug | grep -i “username”

To enable the Cyclic trace use the CLI command below
start nstrace -nf 5 -time 120 -size 0
This particular trace will create 5 files each of them for 120 sec.
This means the files will start getting overwritten after 5 trace files

X. Sharefile
Capture the logs from the location –
In the folder you find several LogFiles:
Cfgsrv_% date% .txt – StorageZone configuration logs
Sc_% Date% .txt – ShareFile StorageZone “ShareFile Data” Logs
CIFS_% Date% .txt – ShareFile StorageZone Connectors for network sharing logs
Sharepoint_% Date% .txt – ShareFile StorageZone Connectors for SharePoint Server
You can enable extended logging for the individual components (ShareFile data,
Connector for network shares, Connector for SharePoint Server). The file
AppSettingsRelease.config has to be edited for this purpose . This file can be found in
different folders (in standard installation: C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot):
ShareFile data – C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ Citrix \ StorageCenter
ShareFile StorageZoneConnector for network shares – C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ Citrix \
StorageCenter \ SC \ cifs
ShareFile StorageZone Connector for SharePoint Server – C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \
Citrix \ StorageCenter \ SC \ sp
In the AppSettingsRelease.config file, change the entry:
<Add key = “enable-extended-logging” value = “0 ” /> to <add key = “enable-extendedlogging”
value = “1 ” />
0 is normal logging and 1 extended logging.

Client tools
The necessary log files for the respective client tools can be found under:
Windows Sync Client:
% Temp% \ Share File
Windows Sync Client configured as OnDemand Sync:
% Systemroot% \ Temp \ Share File
% Temp% \ Share File
Outlook PlugIn:
% AppData% \ Roaming \ Share File \ Outlook
Mac OS X Sync Client:
Users /% username% / Library / Logs / Share File / SyncEngine /

XI. XenApp and XenDesktop

Configuration Logging

Event logs