E2EVC Barcelona Day 2


Here after the Day 2 of the Barcelona E2EVC.

For this day the sessions are split in 2 room as I cannot be in both at the same time I need to make a choice on the sessions I want to attend, sorry for the others.

Session 1: Graphics acceleration for Office workers

Rasmus explains differences that exist using or not GPU with Windows 10 and Office 2016. He made 30 runs of simulated workload in Word, Excel, PowerPoint IE11 Youtube, website idle and website scroll.

Follow him on twitter: @RBRConecto


Session 2: Combating the Increasing Dangers of Cookie & WebData Bloat

Peter and Liza-Marie give a short update and technical deep dive into WebData Control (previously WebCache Manager).

Follow her on twitter:  @Lizamarie_nolan


Session 3: I was not able to attend any session as I was presenting myself.


Session 4: Microsoft RDS – current state and future vision

Benny and Freek discussed on Remote End User Experience bench marking, Project Honolulu and so more

Follow them on twitter: @DrTritsch and @fberson


Session 5: Cool things you didn’t know you can do with FSLogix

Benny and Jim present a lot of interesting stuff as profile containers coming from 3 different cloud location!

Very cool session as usual.

Follow them on twitter: @DrTritsch and @jimmoyle


Session 6: Moving 5000 VDIs from XenServer to VMWare – X2V

Jorge discuss about automate V2V over PowerShell with SSH.

Follow him on twitter: @_IGSPRO