ShareFile Migration Tool 1.2

Event ShareFile

Citrix has released yesterday version 1.2 of his Migration Tool for ShareFile.

Here after some more information:

What’s New?  

  • AutoLogin Support :

SFMT now supports auto login. A pop-up message is displayed to notify users of the behavior and how to sign out.

  • UX Improvements : New updated browse, file type exclude, file in-access, pre-migration and post-migration menus.

  • Display message when the Source location provided is invalid


Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where source and destination were not cleared when a New transfer was initiated.
  2. Changes to exclude estimated time calculation when the file size is less than 20MB.
  3. Changes to sort destination folders in alphabetical order.
  4. Changes to fix an Exception when user clicks on Cancel transfer when the transfer is just initiated.
  5. Changes to display proper message when there are no file types to transfer .
  6. Changes to alter the frequency of tNPS requested post migration.
  7. Changes to optimize the retry logic when files which are inaccessible is being migrated.