Yesterday the first Rolling Patch for XMS 10.5.0 was released.

7 Fixes are included:

  1. Notifications do not get triggered as part of an automated action if the notification template is set to either the Location Service Disable template or the Find My Phone template.
  2. The syslog server does not show the app name during the app download.
  3. When you configure a XenMobile webclip policy and enter a name and URL with HTML special characters, such as an ampersand (&), the name and URL encodes the characters when you save the policy. Subsequently, the URL breaks when you deploy the policy to managed devices.
  4. When you add a public Google Play Store app in the XenMobile console, the app search function does not pass through the proxy as expected and search fails to return the correct apps.
  5. When you create an RBAC role in XenMobile and you include an ampersand (&) in the name, after saving the role, the symbol is encoded and you cannot edit the name.
  6. Attempts to logon to XenMobile administrator console fails. This fix restores logons to admin console available in previous releases.
  7. Performance degradation might be seen on app enumeration in XenMobile Server 10.5.0.

It can be downloaded here: