New: ShareFile Enterprise Archiving
A “new” feature for ShareFile Enterprise Accounts will be soon released.
A “new” feature for ShareFile Enterprise Accounts will be soon released.
A new article has been released and updated today
New version available.
Yesterday the first Rolling Patch for XMS 10.5.0 was released.
I just heard that my blog had issues, thanks Thomas D for letting me know. The problem is now solved, sorry for that. Arnaud
A good article explaining how to schedule Health Checks on your XenMobile environment.
Today I was asked by a customer to secure the enrollment of the users on the XenMobile platform.
I worked with 2 different customers on XenMobile project and those customers was already using ShareFile with a configured IDP.
As I got issue with one customer today working on XenMobile with CBA (Certificate Based Authentication) and HDX Apps access inside Secure Hub, I just want to share my experience here after.
On February 28 a new version has been released with this enhancement: