If you are not aware a new version is planed to be released soon.

What’s new?

Secure Hub:

  • Credential store allows auto usage of AD password to login to Secure Mail.

Secure Mail:

  • Download and view calendar attachments on Exchange 2016 and Exchange Online (o365).
  • New Admin policy disables the ability to choose GoToMeeting when creating a meeting.

XenMobile can be used as IDP to access ShareFile Connectors (no user provisioning to ShareFile Control Plane, with some limitations).

XenMobile Console:

  • Improved viewing on smaller devices.
  • Automatic selection of best chart type.
  • “Actions” option for each widget only includes actions that are commonly performed.
  • Additional levels of detail for increased visibility.
  • More efficient navigation – Simply tap on chart to get to Manage > Devices.

Apple DEP:

  • Enable different enrollment settings and device settings by country department, org, etc.


iOS 9.3 Restrictions in Restriction Policy (Apple Music Service, iTunes Radio, Diagnostic submission modification, Bluetooth modification).

Introduc with iOS 9.3, Managed Lost Mode allows IT to apply a customer message/callback on the home screen of lost devices in lockdown mode.

Additional XenMobile 10.5 Server features:

  • Smart Access to HDX apps ensures that the mobile device is in compliance before launching HDX apps
  • Android Launcher support allow IT to whitelist apps, apply background/logo and customize experience
  • Test Connections feature allows IT to verify workspace connectivity by checking ShareFile and XA/XD passwords
  • Wifi policy support for Windows 10 device allows users to automatically connect to corporate WiFi using the device client certificate
  • Windows Defender policy for Windows 10 allows IT to permit user access to Windows Defender UI
  • Bulk enrollment support for MacOS devices