With ShareFile you can provide users access to Network Shares from different client.

If users want to access Network Shares from a web browser, you need to make some modification.

Note: In the below example I am using Internet Explorer as Web Browser.


Without any modification, here is what user will see when try to access a Network Share:

First after successful connection on ShareFile Company account, click on Connectors

Click on the Connector, you should see this:


To be able to access your Network Share from IE you need to do this:

First go in Internet Options, Security Tab, Trusted Sites, click on Add

Add your ShareFile domain and click on Close

Click on Custom level

Scroll down until Miscellaneous and Enable Access data sources across domains, click on OK

Click on Yes to confirm the modification

Note: You need to close and re-open your Web Browser for changes to take effect

Click on the Connector

A Windows Security pop-up appear

Provide your AD Credentials and click on OK

You have now access to your Network Shares!

Note: Those information are provided based on my own experience.