Here following my experience with MDX Service in Citrix Cloud.


  1. You need to connect to

2. Click on Start

3. Upload the .ipa file for the app. The time required for the upload to complete depends on the file size.


4. After the .ipa file uploads to the MDX Service and is processed successfully, a Verify App Details screen appears.

a. Optionally, change the App Name, Description, and Minimum and Maximum OS Version.

b. Edit the Description field (required).

c. Upload the following iOS signing assets:

  • Provisioning Profile
  • Certificate
  • Certificate Password

5. After the MDX service uses the signing assets to modify the app, the Create Mobile App screen appears. Optionally, you can change the bundle ID of the mobile app.

6. Download the wrapped MDX application package (.mdx file).



This tool is very intuitive and you don’t need a Mac 😉


 Note: Those information are provided based on my own experience.